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小说: 托福阅读1000词 字数: 每页4000字

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influence['influ?ns]n。 影响 v。 影响;感化
例句 1。 Animals have internal clocks which influence their activities even when environmental cues are absent。 动物都有生物钟,即便是当环境线索缺失时也可以影响它们的活动。
2。 Pastoralists are highly mobile and tend to have tiny material possessions; but they can influence the culture; ecology; and language。 牧民迁移频繁,而且仅有少量的物质财产,但他们能影响文化、生态以及语言。
要点 influence常用于描述新技术或新事物对传统生活的影响。如:There were two widely divergent influences on the development of statistical methods。
同义 effect(n。 影响);affect(v。 影响)
innovation[?in?'vei?n]n。 新方法;新事物;革新
例句 1。 Because the interest in developing and introducing sound in film is intense; the general use of other technological innovations was delayed。 由于人们对为影片加入声音有着强烈的兴趣,所以其他的技术创新没有及时被普遍使用。
2。 The extensive development of agriculture was often accompanied by a great movement of people who had carried the innovations。 农业的广泛发展通常伴随着一次伟大的运动,而这样的运动是由掌握革新技术的人们发起的。
同义 reformation(n。 改革)
搭配 input power 输入功率
例句 1。 Through measuring the water quantities at each of a lake's inputs and outputs; it could be determined whether water enters the lake mainly from surface or groundwater sources。 通过测量流入和流出每个湖的水量,可以判定流入湖里的水源主要来自地表还是地下。
2。 Glaciers are an open system; with snow as the system's input and meltwater as its output。 冰川是开放的体系,降雪是该体系的输入来源,而融水则是输出的水源。
insert[in's?:rt]v。 插入
搭配 insert into 写入
例句 Please use your hands to insert the keys in the locks。 请用手把钥匙插到锁里。
insulate['ins?leit]v。 使隔离,使隔绝
例句 1。 All the heat which warms a building finally transfers to the surrounding air; a process that is quickest where houses are poorly insulated。 提供给一座建筑的所有热量最后都会转移到周围的空气里,这个过程在隔热差的房子中能得到最快的体现。
2。 Now; the ice shelves insulate the Antarctic continent from wind。 目前,冰架阻挡着风吹进南极洲。
同义 isolate(v。 使隔离,使隔绝)
insulation[?ins?'lei?n]n。 绝缘;隔离,隔绝
例句 1。 Even with insulation and countercurrent exchange systems; hatchlings are simply too small to conserve body heat。 即便是在完全封闭或是逆流交换系统中,这些初生的个体也很难保持身体的热度,因为它们还都太小。
2。 The low growth form can also allow the plants to make good use of the insulation provided by a winter snow cover。 在冬天,这些植物的低矮形态可以使其充分利用由积雪覆盖形成的保温层。
同义 isolation(n。 绝缘)
intermediate[?int?r'mi:di?t]a。 中间的;中级的 n。 中间体;媒介物
搭配 intermediate language 中间语言
例句 1。 In most areas of Africa; there is a curious case in which societies moved from a technology of stone to iron directly without passing through the intermediate stage of copper or bronze metallurgy; even though some early copper…working sites have been found in West Africa。 在非洲的大部分地区都有一个古怪的现象,虽然在西非发现了一些青铜器制造遗址,但是这些地区没有经历青铜器时代这一中间阶段,而是从石器时代直接过渡到了铁器时代。
2。 The country is still at an intermediate stage of economic development。 这个国家仍然处于经济发展的中级阶段。
interplay['int?rplei]n。/v。 相互作用,相互影响
例句 1。 It is a monumental scientific achievement and its development illustrates the importance of interplay。 这是一个不朽的科学成就,它的发展诠释了相互作用的重要性。
2。 Parasitic relationships contain the interplay of aggression by the parasite and resistance and adaptation by the host。 寄生关系包括寄生虫的攻击与寄主的排斥和适应之间的相互作用。
3。 She combines cultural documentation with invention in an interplay of fact and fiction。 她通过事实和虚构的相互影响,把文化文献与发明结合了起来。
isotope['ais?toup]n。 同位素
搭配 isotope effect 同位素效应
例句 The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes when a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation。 当海洋中大量的水因为蒸发而减少之后,海洋中氧同位素的比率会随之改变。
liquid['likwid]n。 液体;液态 a。 液体的,流体的;清澈的
搭配 liquid crystal 液晶
例句 1。 Different from gas; liquid does not disperse in a container; and conversely maintains a fairly constant density。 与气体不同,液体不会在容器中扩散,相反还会维持一个相当稳定的浓度。
2。 This kind of energy is used to convert liquid water to water vapor。 这种能量被用来将液体水转化为水蒸气。
locomotive[?louk?'moutiv]n。 机车;火车头 a。 运动的;活动的
例句 1。 The number of canals fell off after the steam locomotive was invented。 蒸汽机车发明以后,运河的数量减少了。
2。 In the nineteenth century; locomotives in north American ran on hardwood fuel。 在19世纪,北美的机车依靠硬木燃料运行。
同义 engine(n。 机车);kinetic(a。 运动的)
例句 1。 The new age of machinery; in brief; without a new source of both movable and constant power; could not have been born。 简言之,如果没有新的可移动并且持续的能源供应,新的机械时代是不可能诞生的。
2。 The use of farm machinery went on to increase。 农机工具的使用在持续增加。
同义 organization(n。 机构)
magnetic[m?g'netik]a。 磁的,有磁性的;有吸引力的
搭配 magnetic field 磁场;magnetic compass 磁盘指南针
例句 1。 The magnetic compass assists the travelers when clouds block the Sun and the stars。 磁盘指南针在云彩遮住太阳和星星的时候可以帮助旅行者辨别方向。
2。 The electrons nearly accelerated to the speed of light move through the magnetic fields。 电子加速到接近光速的速度并穿过磁场。
manufacturer[?m?nju'f?k??r?r]n。 制造商;制造厂
搭配 original manufacturer 原始制造商
例句 1。 Woolens and textile manufacturers had made good use of rural cottage production by taking advantage of cheap and plentiful rural labor。 通过利用廉价而大量的农村劳动力,毛纺织品制造商很好地利用了农村的家庭生产。
2。 Iron manufacturers which starved for fuel and charcoal also benefited from ever…increasing supplies of coal。 那些需要大量燃料和木炭的钢铁制造商也从不断增加的煤炭供应中获得了益处。
measurable['me??r?bl]a。 可测量的;可衡量的
搭配 measurable variable 可测变量
例句 1。 The first is the habituation…dishabituation technique; in which a unitary stimulus is presented repeatedly to the infant until there is a measurable decline in which attending behavior is being observed。 首先是习惯化与去习惯化技术,要求对婴儿反复施加单一形式的刺激,直到其适应能力呈现一个可测量的下降趋势,从中便可以观察到婴儿的专注行为。
2。 There is a growing body of opinion that all these physical variations have a measurable impact on the climate。 所有这些物理变化都会对气候变化产生可以测量的影响——认同这一点的人越来越多。
measure['me??r]n。 尺寸;测量;度量单位;[常 pl。]措施 v。 测量
搭配 measure up 测量;符合标准
例句 The environmental degradation will become more severe if new measures are not taken。 如果再不采取新的措施,环境恶化会更加严重。
派生 measurement(n。 测量)
mechanism['mek?niz?m]n。 机械装置;结构;机制
搭配 reaction mechanism 反应机制
例句 A respiratory regulating mechanism seemingly ceases functioning during sleep。 在睡着的时候,呼吸调节机制似乎就停止运作了。
要点 在托福阅读文章中,mechanism最常见的含义就是“机制”,比如:regulating mechanism“调节机制”;control mechanism“控制机制”。
metal['metl]n。 金属
搭配 metal detector 金属探测器
例句 1。 Come close to metal tools and weapons may create greater social equality。 金属工具和武器的使用或许能为社会创造更大的公平性。
2。 Research has concentrated on the toxic effects of heavy metals like lead; cadmium; mercury and aluminum; however; even copper and zinc; which are essential elements; can become toxic in high concentrations。 研究重点是重金属的毒性作用,比如铅、镉、水银以及铝等;然而,就连铜和锌这样的基础元素在高浓度时也可能变成有毒元素。
metallic[m?'t?lik]a。 金属的;含金属的
搭配 metallic element 金属元素
例句 1。 The terrestrial planets are mostly rocks: including of dense rocky and metallic material; with minor amounts of gases。 类地行星大都是由岩石构成的:包括高密度岩石和金属物质,还有极少量的气体。
2。 The engineers found a kind of exotic new metallic substance。 工程师们发现了一种新的奇特金属物质。
metallurgy['metl?:r?i]n。 冶金,冶金术
搭配 metallurgy machinery 冶金机械
例句 Being different from the Americas; where metallurgy was a very late and limited development; Africans had iron from a relatively early date; developing ingenious furnaces to produce the high heat needed for production and to control the amount of air which reached the carbon and iron ore necessary for making iron。 不同于美洲的冶金时间开始得较晚,且发展受限,非洲人拥有铁器的时间相对较早,并且别出心裁地制造了熔炉,可以产生生产所需的高温并将接触到碳和铁矿石的压缩空气量控制在制铁需要的范围内。
molecule['mɑ:likju:l]n。 分子
搭配 molecule weight 分子量
例句 1。 The average period of time which molecules of water spend in a lake — the residence time — varies from lake to lake and over time within a particular lake。 水分子在不同的湖里停留的平均时间是不断变化的,久而久之在同一个特定的湖中也是变化的。
2。 This algae capture the Sun's energy through photosynthesis and store it in organic molecules。 这种藻类通过光合作用获取太阳能,并将能量储存在有机分子里。
motion['mou?n]n。 运动,移动;手势 v。 打手势,示意
例句 1。 In the United States; the arrival of sound film technology compelled smaller producers in the motion picture industry out of business。 在美国,有声电影技术的到来迫使小电影生产商破产了。
2。 The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head and with a curve of its body and its flexible tail。 鱼依靠头部向前的推动,身体的曲线和灵活的尾巴将水向两侧推开。
同义 movement(n。 运动)
multiple['m?ltipl]a。 多样的;多重的 n。 倍数
例句 1。 The data which are from observational methods must be confirmed through multiple studies。 通过观察得出的数据必须要经过多种研究来证实。
2。 The photographic process made permanent images become possible; but not all the process allowed making multiple copies。 摄影过程使得持久图像的产生成为可能,但并不是所有的过程都能产生多个复制的图像。
3。 Beautiful glass could be decorated in multiple ways。 可以用多种方式来装饰漂亮的玻璃。
同义 various(a。 多样的);manifold(a。 多方面的)

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