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小说: 托福阅读1000词 字数: 每页4000字

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3。 Some small local canals allow only small rafts of timber to float。 一些本地小的运河只能使小木筏在上面漂浮。
同义 drift[v。(使)漂浮]
foodstuff['fu:dst?f]n。 食料,食品;饮料
例句 At a time when maintaining low prices was especially important; the Dutch imported grain and other products since they had the demand for other foodstuffs and consumer goods。 当维持低廉价格极其重要的时候,由于对其他食品和生活消费品的需求,荷兰人进口了粮食和其他产品。
forage['f?:ri?]n。 草料,饲料 v。 觅食
例句 1。 People exploited the landscape intensively; foraging for wild cereal grasses and nuts on hill slopes。 人们仔细搜索这片土地,在山坡上寻找野生谷物作物和坚果。
2。 Goats forage across the field in large numbers。 山羊成群结队地在田野上搜寻食物。
同义 feed; fodder(n。 草料,饲料);rummage(v。 搜寻)
freight[freit]n。 货运;运费 v。 运送货物;装货于(船等)
例句 1。 At first; steamboats were used to transport passengers rather than freight。 轮船最初用于运送乘客而不是货物。
2。 The seafood was shipped in refrigerated freight cars。 海鲜是用冷藏货车运输的。
同义 cargo(n。 货运)
fringe[frin?]n。 须边,边缘 v。 成为…的边缘
例句 1。 The nomadic and daring settlers kept pushing westward beyond the fringes of settlement in search of new homes。 勇敢的游牧者们继续向西前进,越过了居住地的边界以寻找新的家园。
2。 The plant has spread rapidly; so mudflats with marshy fringes were changed into extensive salt meadows and the number and kinds of birds and animals living in the marsh was reduced。 植物生长得非常迅速,使沼泽边缘的湿地都变成了广阔的盐土草地,因而生长在湿地中的鸟类和动物的数量和品种都有所减少。
frozen['frouzn]a。 冻结的
例句 1。 There is very little evidence of liquid water on Mars; and there was only frozen water beneath the planet's surface。 几乎没有证据表明火星上存在液态的水,只有火星地表下面存在凝结的水。
2。 The mammoths' soft parts; including skin; hair; and viscera were preserved in frozen soil or in the oozing tar of oil seeps。 包括猛犸象的皮肤、毛发、内脏等软组织被保存在了冻土或石油渗透时渗出的焦油中。
要点 该词是动词freeze的过去分词形式,作为形容词表示“冻结的”,除了在托福阅读中常见的frozen soil; frozen ground等搭配以外,frozen food“冷冻食品”这个搭配也很常见。
fuel['fju:?l]n。 燃料;刺激因素 v。 给…加燃料;激起;推动
例句 1。 Firewood is the major fuel used for cooking and heating in many countries。 在许多国家,柴火是用来做饭和取暖的主要燃料。
2。 Although this“atmospheric engine”embodied revolutionary principles; it was so slow and wasteful of fuel that it could not be employed outside the coal mines for which it had been designed。 尽管“大气发动机”呈现出革命性的工作原理,但它却很慢,而且浪费燃料,因此无法依照它所设计的初衷在煤矿以外的地方使用。
3。 The extinctions at the end of the Cretaceous and the high concentration of Ir found in deposited clay have fueled the development of a new hypothesis。 白垩纪晚期的灭绝和沉积的岩石中发现的高浓度铱元素推动了一个新假说的发展。
要点 fuel在托福考试的阅读文章中,通常以名词形式出现,但fuel也可以用作动词,表示“推动,为…添加动力”,如:fuel the development of a new hypothesis。
furnace['f?:rnis]n。 火炉,熔炉;暖气锅炉
搭配 blast furnace 鼓风炉
例句 While American iron makers developed the latest furnaces; African iron makers were still using earlier techniques。 当美国的铁匠制造出最新的火炉时,非洲的铁匠们仍在使用早期的技术。
同义 oven; kiln(n。 火炉,熔炉)
fuse[fju:z]v。 熔合;熔化 n。 保险丝;导火线
例句 The resulting mass was further heated to fuse the mass into potash。 生成物被进一步加热,以熔合从而生成碳酸钾。
同义 mix; melt(v。 熔合);combine(v。 合并)
harsh[hɑ:r?]a。 刺耳的;粗糙的;恶劣的
例句 1。 The camel's abilities to live in harsh desert conditions and to carry large loads made it an effective and efficient means of transportation。 骆驼能在恶劣的沙漠环境中生存,并能承载沉重货物,这样的能力使它们成为一种高效的运输方式。
2。 In this case; iron offers less resistance to fire and harsh weather than other materials。 在这种情况下,铁在抵抗火和严酷天气方面不如其他材料。
同义 severe(a。 恶劣的);raspy(a。 刺耳的)
herbicide['?:rbisaid]n。 除草剂
例句 To control the development of the Spartina; there are various methods; such as burning; flooding; shading plants with black canvas or plastic; smothering the plants with dredged materials or clay; applying herbicide; and mowing repeatedly。 有许多种方法可以控制米草属植物的生长,比如焚烧、水淹、用黑色帆布或塑料布遮挡、用疏浚材料或黏土使其窒息、喷洒除草剂,以及反复修剪等。
例句 Because of the natural weapons like horns; hunters avoided deer and reindeer。 因为鹿和驯鹿拥有犄角这一天然武器,因此捕猎者会躲避它们。
同义 trumpet(n。 号角;喇叭)
horticulture['h?:rtik?l??r]n。 园艺,园艺学
例句 Because the Dutch specialized in dairy farming; industrial crops; and horticulture; the country was more productive than some other regions in Europe。 由于荷兰人专注于乳品业、经济作物种植和园艺,所以这个国家比欧洲其他地区更多产。
household['haushould]n。 家庭,全家人 a。 家庭的;家喻户晓的
搭配 household appliances 家用电器;household word 家喻户晓的词语
例句 1。 In the thirteenth century; people in this area went from living in scattered independent households to living in large towns。 在13世纪,这一地区的人们开始从分散的独立家庭转变为到更大的镇子上居住。
2。 If you are constantly on the move; you cannot afford to accumulate large material surpluses — this rule limits the variations in accumulated material goods between pastoralist households。 如果你一直在迁移,就无法积累大量的剩余材料——这个规则限制了田园家庭间的物质累积。
humidity[hju:'mid?ti]n。 湿度;潮湿
搭配 relative humidity 相对湿度
例句 1。 Compared to the normal growing season; high temperatures; low humidity; and different day lengths of the dry season may bring difficulties to some crops。 与正常的生长期相比,干旱期的高温、低湿度、不同长度的白昼会给庄稼生长带来困难。
2。 The landscape of the city becomes a heat island readily because of greater water runoff and special climatic conditions such as low relative humidity and increased air turbulence。 由于这个城市较大的径流量和特殊的气候条件,例如较低的相对湿度和逐渐增强的气流, 这里形成了热岛地貌。
3。 Living in this area; people have to tolerate the relatively high humidity in summer。 生活在这个地区,人们不得不忍受夏天相对较高的湿度。
husbandry['h?zb?ndri]n。 耕种,务农;(对资源的)管理
例句 1。 Since the prices of livestock were high; peasants were encouraged to improve their animal husbandry techniques。 因为牲畜的价格很高,所以农民被鼓励提高动物的饲养技巧。
2。 People living in this area specialized in livestock husbandry and dairy farming as well as in cultivating industrial crops and fodder crops。 居住在这一地区的人们在牲畜饲养、乳品业以及经济作物和饲料作物的种植方面都很专业。
3。 This article introduced an interesting theory about plant husbandry。 这篇文章介绍了一个关于园林管理的有趣理论。
hyper['haip?r]a。 亢奋的;高度紧张的;超…的
例句 1。 Mines and irrigation ponds can be avoided from becoming contaminated by planting hyper accumulating species in certain areas。 通过在特定地区种植超积累植物品种,可以使矿山和灌溉池塘免受污染。
2。 This experiment begins with the planting of plants that are hyper accumulators in this area。 这个实验以在该地区种植超积累植物开始。
illuminate[i'lu:mineit]v。 照亮;阐明;启迪
例句 1。 First; a path that connects the cloud and the ground is formed; then a strong current of electrons follows it from the cloud to the ground; and it is that current that illuminates the path as the lightning we see。 首先有一条将云和地面连接起来的路径形成,然后强电流会沿着这条路径从云层传向地面,我们所看到的闪电就是被电流照亮的这条路径。
2。 The light illuminates the scales of the fish。 灯照亮了鱼的鳞片。
派生 illumination(n。 照明)
imitate['imiteit]v。 模仿,效仿;仿制
例句 1。 According to Aristotle; humans are naturally imitative as we take pleasure in imitating persons; things; and actions and in seeing such imitations。 根据亚里士多德的说法,人类天生喜欢模仿,因为我们会通过模仿他人、事物、行动,并在看到这样的模仿时感到愉悦。
2。 The author indicates that almost all the children imitate their parents' behaviors。 作者指出,几乎所有的儿童都会效仿其父母的行为。
3。 He had been trained to imitate the artist's style。 他受过训练以模仿这个艺术家的风格。
同义 copy(v。 模仿,效仿)
派生 imitation(n。 模仿)
impress[im'pres]v。 给…深刻印象,使铭记 n。 印记
例句 Modern attitude to Roman civilization is diversified; ranging from the infinitely impressed to the thoroughly disgusted。 当代对于罗马文明的态度十分多元化,从印象极其深刻,到完全厌恶。
impressive[im'presiv]a。 给人深刻印象的;感人的
例句 1。 This impressive display is clearly visible when the light illuminates the forest floor。 当光照在森林的地面上时,可以清楚地看到这令人印象深刻的景象。
2。 Although the size of the aquifer is impressive; the rate of water addition of the region is also affected by the climate。 尽管含水土层大得惊人,但这个地区的蓄水率仍然受气候影响。
3。 The destructive power of nuclear weapons is impressive。 核武器的破坏力令人惊叹。
同义 stunning(a。 给人深刻印象的)
要点 作者通常会用impressive来描述那些令人印象深刻的事物,起到强调的作用,比如the impressive size of the aquifer,这里impressive用于强调含水土层之大。
include[in'klu:d]v。 包括,包含;计入
例句 1。 Some animals; including large swimming predators and soft…bodied animals; ate detritus or algae。 包括会游泳的肉食动物和软体动物在内的一些动物都会吃碎石和海藻。
2。 Many incomplete skeletons were found including a complete hind leg that features a foot with three tiny toes。 许多不完整的骨骸被发现了,其中有一只完整的后腿,其特征是脚上有三个细小脚趾。
3。 Luckily; the fossil includes a good portion of its legs that were strong and ended in long feet very much like those of a modern pinniped。 幸运地,化石中有其完整的腿部化石,它的腿长而强壮,末端的脚与现代的鳍脚亚目动物相似。
要点 include与contain都有“包括”的含义,但在阅读时应该注意它们的区别:include强调被包含者只是整体中的一个部分,而contain则着重表达“内含”的意思。
inexpensive[?inik'spensiv]a。 廉价的,不贵重的
例句 1。 Because they were able to import inexpensive goods; they had money available to meet the demand for other products。 因为可以进口低价的粮食,因此他们有钱购买其他产品。
2。 Although photography made accurat

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